A Unique Fusion

At Cherubs Nursery School, we proudly embrace a revolutionary approach to early childhood education, blending the best elements of three world-renowned educational philosophies: Reggio Emilia, Montessori, and Te Whāriki. Our unique approach creates a vibrant, child-centered learning environment where every child's potential is nurtured and celebrated.

Reggio Emilia Approach: A Community of Little Explorers

Originating in the Italian town of Reggio Emilia, this philosophy sees children as naturally curious and capable learners. Our environment is their canvas:

  • Respect for Children: We see children as strong, capable beings full of wonder.

  • The Environment as the Third Teacher: Classrooms rich in materials spark endless exploration.

  • Collaborative Learning: Learning is a shared adventure involving peers, teachers, and the community.

  • Continuous Documentation: We document children's progress to fuel future learning journeys.

Montessori Method: Fostering Independence and Growth

  • Developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, this method is a cornerstone of self-led learning:

  • Tailored Learning Environment: Our space is designed for children to learn at their own pace, fostering independence.

  • Mixed-Age Groups: Younger learners are inspired by the example of older peers.

  • Custom-Designed Materials: Materials cater to each stage of developmental growth.

  • Structured Flexibility: We respect each child's unique learning journey.

Te Whāriki Approach: A Tapestry of Holistic Development

From New Zealand's rich cultural heritage, Te Whāriki interlaces Māori perspectives with holistic learning:

  • Comprehensive Development: We view development as a journey encompassing physical, emotional, social, and cognitive growth.

  • Empowerment: Children learn and grow with confidence.

  • Responsive Relationships: Connections with people, places, and things are reciprocal and nurturing.

  • Interest-Led Curriculum: Our curriculum evolves from the children's interests, harnessing their natural strengths and curiosities.

Where Educational Philosophies Converge

In our school, these three philosophies are not just theories; they are the heartbeat of our daily practice. We've created a dynamic, sensory-rich environment where children are encouraged to explore, create, and lead their learning journey.

  • Child-Led Learning: Our learners are at the helm, selecting activities that resonate with their interests and developmental needs.

  • Collaborative Environment: We believe in the power of community and cultural inclusivity, enriching our curriculum and fostering a sense of belonging.

  • Nurturing Individuality: Each child's unique path is valued and supported, ensuring a personalized and responsive educational experience.